Goodnessgang products clutch. Concept by Joëlle Wehkamp en Aniek Bartels

Goodnessgang stoet

Goodness Gang


Joëlle Wehkamp & Aniek Bartels, both creative designers who have years of experience in designing countless fun products and collections, love colour, drawing, painting, humor and nature. And they both feel it is time to also use their creativity to save the whole wild world! So they started a cool kids concept: Goodness Gang

Our products
Goodness Gang creates a positive movement by making a collection of handmade prints and lifestyle goods that contribute to a better world. A mixed collection of products that have been recycled, products made from eco materials or products that encourage upcycling. And there will be fun events coming too!

To Save the whole wild world
And isn’t it awesome. By purchasing our products you are helping to fund Natuur Monumenten. We love to donate a part of our turnover to this beautiful goal. Do you want to know more about our movement? Our would you like to sell our products? Then do not hesitate to contact us!

For more information go to